Course Modality ParadigmsAlthough the name of this website is Designing for Online Learning, the principles of online course design can be applied…
Blended LearningBlended learning can take a variety of formats. In a flipped classroom model, students study the course material online and…
Blending Synchronous and Asynchronous ApproachesTraditionally, blended learning has been defined as a course that includes both face-to-face and online learning components. But in the…
Information ArchitectureYou may be asking, “What is information architecture (IA), and how can it help us in our work of online…
Communities of PracticeEtienne Wenger and William Snyder claim that “although communities of practice have been around for centuries” the use of “the term [is…
Designing for High and Low Bandwidth ContextsAs of January 2021, there were 4.66 billion internet users, representing 59.5% of the global population. Internet access continues to…