
Creating a Design Blueprint

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Horizon’s Designing for Online Learning (DOL) Moodle course makes use of the ADDIE model of course design in the development of two course design documents – an Analyses Document and a Design Blueprint. Although DOL uses a series of forms and interactive learning to help designers generate these documents, it may be that these documents would be helpful to you in your current course design project. For this reason, we have distilled these design processes into two documents: a questionnaire and a blank blueprint. 

Horizon’s Analyses Document is a product that is generated by a series of questions on the topics of Analyzing the Learners who will take your course, Analyzing the Learning Environment of the course, and Analyzing the Learning Goals for the course. This series of questions is available in the Analyzing Questionnaire. These questions are organized to assist you in the Analysis stage of the ADDIE model of course design.

The ADDIE Model of Course Design: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate

Horizon’s Design Blueprint is a product that is generated in the Design stage of the ADDIE model. What is not reflected in the Design Blueprint are the iterative processes of refining a course’s assessment strategy and its alignment in relation to the course’s scaffolding and distribution of learning tasks. However, our hope is that the Design Blueprint will be a useful document as you engage in these design processes. Both the Analyzing Questionnaire and the Design Blueprint have been licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.

Scaffolding, Alignment, and Distribution